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Natural Or Herbal Remedies For Spider Veins

The annoying, unattractive groups of small veins that appear on the skins surface are called spider veins. They are purple or dark blue and are often found on the back parts of a person's legs.

Natural remedies are available that help diminish the unsightly look of spider veins. These supplements treat the cause of spider veins, not only being a remedy for their symptoms. Herbal remedies strengthen vein walls and may improve blood circulation and the veins flexibility. Spider veins fade away once the vein is restored to a healthy state.

Extract from the Japanese pagoda tree is amongst the finest herbal supplements available for spider vein treatment and since the 1960's has been very successful. This supplement is able to enhance capillary and vein stability, reduces inflammation and increases blood circulation in order to decrease blood pooling in the lower leg veins.

Another excellent herbal supplement is horse chestnut extract (seed extract from horse chestnut fruit). This extract is able to repair minor leakages in small veins, strengthens the vein's walls, increases the veins elasticity and prevents general swelling. Over the years the use of this supplement has helped stop the occurrence of new spider veins and also to diminish their appearance.

Vitamin K is a natural remedy that aids blood clotting and by rubbing it over spider veins supposedly causes the vein's blood to clot thereby destroying it. It is a similar principle to the conventional approach used in laser treatment of spider veins.

Another natural remedy is witch hazel which is applied 3 times a day (over a period of a few weeks) to affected regions. Stop the treatment if an allergic reaction like skin rash or irritation occurs. Other remedies available are aromatherapy, color therapy, acupuncture, acupressure and hydrotherapy.

The choice of which treatment method to use is a personal one and it is worth considering some kind of combination of herbal supplements and natural remedies.

Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health.

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