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Lower Your High Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Ways

High blood pressure is one of the most dangerous and yet controllable diseases in the United States today. If untreated, it can lead to kidney failure, heart attack or heart failure, stroke, and other life threatening diseases.

Even though high blood pressure normally has no symptoms, it is not that hard to test for. If you have normal doctor's visits, he or his nurse can test it in just a few minutes. Even if you don't have a doctor, you can find many blood pressure monitors in drug stores and other retail outlets in many U.S. cities where you can test yourself. Today, with all of the high profile press attention given to hypertension, there's no real reason that any sensible person should not be aware of and monitor his or her own blood pressure readings. Hypertension prevention is even more important because once you develop it, chances are you will have it for the rest of your life.

But assuming that you do have hypertension or are merely at risk for it, what are some things that you can do to help lower it? Although heredity can and does play a role in a person's susceptibility to high blood pressure, hypertension is mainly a lifestyle disease. So, to decrease your chance of getting it or to lessen the damage that it is currently wrecking on your body, you have to change your lifestyle habits which you can do in 4 easy ways.

1) Move your body. Exercise has been proven in many studies to help the cardiovascular system and improve the conditions of the arteries. It strengthens your heart and helps to keep the blood vessels clear of debris. Exercise also helps to maintain a healthy body weight which is another key to keeping your blood pressure under control.

2) Reduce the salt in your diet. Although many Americans seem to believe that salt is one of the four main food groups, along with sugar, fat, and alcohol - it is not! The four food groups are whole grain foods, vegetables, fruits, and legumes (or beans). Salt is nowhere in this group. Salt is an acquired taste and with discipline can be un-acquired. Yes, the body needs salt, but it can get all the salt it needs from simply eating healthy foods. Stick as much as you can to the real food groups and you'll help to keep your blood pressure normal. Not only that, but if you have high blood pressure, sticking to the four main food groups will help to lower it.

3) Stop smoking. Never mind that smoking is indelibly linked to lung and other cancers. It is also a prime risk factor in the development of hypertension. Smoking causes the arteries to narrow making it more difficult for the heart to pump blood to the organs that need it. Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to babies with higher blood pressure, which immediately starts them off at a health disadvantage. The only thing that smoking is good for is ... well nothing.

4) Reduce alcohol use. In people drinking more than two drinks a day, clinical trials have shown an increase in blood pressure. Yes alcohol can be fun and it can relax you - sometimes too much. Studies have even shown that some alcohol (especially red wines) can be healthy for you in moderation. But moderation does not mean until you feel moderately high. It means one or two drinks a day. And for pregnant women, it means zero drinks.

Melissa Chow is a freelance writer who writes articles relating to medicines such as how to lower high blood pressure and other hypertension related issues. Visit her site at

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1 comment:

rifyraina said...

High BP also known as hypertension. BP is a major health issue for millions of people in the world.Some easy steps you can use to lower your blood pressure without medications. Avoid Salt and Avoid Caffeine.

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